At the beginning of 2014 the creation of the Armenian version of the Russian-language online encyclopedia began by the efforts of the Institute for Armenian studies of YSU. is an Armenian encyclopedia that was created in 2007 by the Executive Director of the Armenian community “Nor Nakhichevan” of Rostov-on-Don  Sergey Sayadov who had set a goal to create informational fund about Armenia and the Armenians in Russian language.

A group of YSU students took part in the creation of the Armenian encyclopedia and in a few days they created a certain base for the further development of the site. 

On March 18 the founder of Sergey Sayadov and programmer Oleg Shlikov who is responsible for technical issues met with students in IAS Annex of YSU. During the meeting they discussed all issues that could occur during the creation of the Armenian version of the encyclopedia.

Sayadov noted that this work is very important as “Hayazg” is a significant storage of information.  There is information that is not available anywhere besides “Hayazg” as it is obtained directly from the source.

Editor of “Hayazg” Sergey Sayadov gave some useful tips to students that would be of great help to them in this hard work. Oleg Shlikov explained in details the principles of operating the web-site as well as the technical details while adding articles to the web-site.

After the meeting the works on encyclopedia resumed with new enthusiasm. In the nearest future the encyclopedia will be ready and will be introduced to the Armenian audience.