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  The session №3/2016 of the Scientific Council of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies took place in YSU Academic Council hall on April 22, 2016. The opening speech was delivered by the Director of IAS, Aram Simonyan. The approval of IAS activities program for 2016, the recommendation for the publication of the chrestomathie collection of the researcher of the Department of Armenian-Georgian relations, Ruzanna Harutyunyan, entitled "The Armenian sources about the Georgian kingdom (5-10 cc.) and other issues were included in agenda.

Presenting the agenda, Simonyan stressed the importance of preserving the value of applied research principles adopted by the Institute for the development of new annual programs. Representatives of all the departments of the Institute delivered their reports presenting research program for 2016. After separate observations the IAS activity program for 2016 was approved.
The head of the Department of Armenian-Georgian relations, PhD, Hrachik Bayramyan made a report on the collection. Summarizing the opinions, A.Simonyan put the issue to the vote which was adopted unanimously.
